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Visitors 113
Modified 30-Jan-15
Created 30-Jan-15
22 photos

Travel photographs from the Hoysala kingdom at Somnathpur and especially the archaeological site of the Keshava Temple.
Keshava Temple of SomnathpurThe emblem of the Hoysala EmpireErotic positions from Kamasutra on the walls of Somnathpur TempleGaruda Statue from the Hoysala Temple at SomnathpurVishnu in Varaha Avatar at the Keshava Temple in Somnathpur, KarnatakaAngry Statue of Vishnu with many hands at SomnathpurStatue of Venugopal (Krishna) at the Keshava Temple of SomnathpurDancing Lakshmi - A rare statue at the Keshava temple of SomnathpurStatue of Brahma and his wives at the Somnathpur Keshava TempleSomnathpur Keshava Temple - Sculpted MagicNarasimha Avatar of Vishnu at Somnathpur Keshava TempleLord Indra on the walls of Somnathpur's Keshava TempleBeautiful Sculpture of Goddess Saraswati on the walls of Keshava Temple, Somnathpur, KarnatakaIntricate Hoysala Sculpting at Somnathpur TempleEpics, Battles, Mythological Creatures and Ancient Stories sculpted onto the exterior walls at the Hoysala Temple of SomnathpurMini Temples in the Hoysala Temple SculpturesLakshmipati Statue at the Keshava Temple of SomnathpurWomen in colurful sarees exploring the richness of the Somnathpur Keshava TempleVery detailed Mahisasura Mardini Statue at SomnathpurBeautiful sculpture of Venugopala inside the sanctum sanitorium of Somnathpur Keshava Temple

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory Detail:India
Keywords:BE ON THE ROAD, Culture Trails, Hoysala Kingdom, India, Karnataka, Keshava Temple, Off Beat Holidays from Bangalore, Sankara Subramanian C Photography, Somnathpur,