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Modified 24-Sep-20
Created 17-Sep-20
4 photos

Travel photographs from Talasi Abhi falls on the Hulikal - Tirthahalli highway.
The multi-tiered Talasi Abhi Falls between Hulikal and TeerthahalliPosing at the pristine environment near Talasi Abhi FallsThe hidden Talasi Abhi Falls of KarnatakaTalasi Abhi Falls near Mastikatte

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory Detail:India
Keywords:Be on the road travel blog, Hulikal, India, Karnataka, Monsoon Holidays, Motorcycle Trips, Motorcycling Holidays, Sankara Subramanian C Photography, Talasi Abhi Falls, Talasi Falls, Tirthahalli, Waterfalls of India, Waterfalls of Karnataka, Yediyur,