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Visitors 96
Modified 16-Dec-13
Created 5-Dec-13
44 photos

Travel photos from Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan.
Street Vegetable Seller from BhutanEnjoying hot cheese Thukpa on a cold night in Thimphu, BhutanWindows on a traditional Bhutanese buildingTraditional Bhutanese building in ThimphuBhutanese Monk walks the streets of ThimphuTraditional Bag Shopping at Thimphu, BhutanBuildings of Bhutan built without a single nailA Bhutanese man walks on in Thimphu, BhutanBhutanese Women enjoy the winter sun during a stroll in Thimphu, BhutanOffering Prayers at National Memorial Choerten, Thimphu, BhutanAn Elderly Bhutanese Woman offering prayers at Thimphu, BhutanA Bhutanese Gentleman at ThimphuBhutanese couple share at laugh at Memorial Choerten, ThimphuAn elderly Bhutan gentlemanBhutanese man and his prayer wheel at Thimphu, BhutanBhutanese men offering their prayers at Memorial Choerten, ThimphuDevotees offer their prayers at National memorial Choerten, Thimphu, BhutanBhutanese Woman in prayerElderly woman from BhutanOld man from Bhutan offering prayers

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory Detail:Bhutan
Keywords:BE ON THE ROAD Travel Photography, Backpacking, Bhutan, Buddhism, Eastern Himalayas, Himalayas, Sankara Subramanian C, Thimphu, Travel,